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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)— The night the tornados hit was also a historic night for Loyola University.

For the first time in 77 years, Loyola’s Men’s Basketball team won a National Championship.

This afternoon the team returned as heroes to campus for a huge pep rally. WGNO’s Kenny went to campus for the celebration!

The Loyola’s Men’s Basketball team beat Talladega 71-56 in Kansas City for the NAIA National Championship.

“The sheer length of time it has been and to be the only school in New Orleans to have a Championship like this. It is awesome,” Student Chris Vandenberg said.

Another student Brooke Cuccia said, “It is really nice to be at a school with a National Championship.”

At today’s on-campus pep rally there was a sense of pride in the air as coaches, teachers, fellow students and the Unversity’s President Tania Tetlow all celebrated the victory.

“It just has really helped Loyola get swagger back and get used to winning. They are amazing students and athletes. They are men of integrity,” Tetlow said.

All-star player Zach Wrightsil did a little happy dance, showing his excitement!

“I’m feeling good. Honestly It is crazy to have our whole community here in New Orleans to celebrate this incredible moment,” Wrightsil said.

A long time in the making, but now they’ve proven they are number one, and that’s a reason to howl!

Go Wolfpack!