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NEW ORLEANS — Funeral services for Arthur “Mr. Okra” Robinson, Sr., will be held Sunday (Feb. 25) at the Marigny Opera House.

Mr. Okra was known for delivering his produce to customers on his truck equipped with a PA system to announce his veggies for the day.

Robinson died Thursday night (Feb. 15). He was 75 years old.

Mr. Okra had been selling vegetables on the streets of New Orleans since he was 15.

He started with his father on a horse and buggy, later graduating to his own colorfully painted truck.

The funeral will be held from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. Sunday.

A second line is planned in his honor on Monday (Feb. 26). Details are supposed to be announced by Wednesday.

Watch the video below to see an interview that Larry the Cable Guy did with Mr. Okra back in 2011: