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In the neighborhood of Old Mandeville sits the Dew Drop Inn Jazz Hall.

Originally a hub of entertainment for this part of town, it sat abandoned for many years until the Friends Of The Dew Drop Inn were formed.

“The Friends of the Dew Drop was set up, basically to preserve the Dew Drop Social and Benevolent Hall,” said Lynn Mitchell. “Also to support emerging musicians’ musical education.”

And on any given night in the fall or spring, the place is hopping with a good time.

Early on, the Friends Of The Dew Drop also realized that the building didn’t stand on an island, and that the surrounding community could also use a boost, and to do that meant supporting the church next door, and renovating the Anderson Cottage across the street.

There they found more of a great story.

“The building was actually purchased by the city of Mandeville to be used in support of the Dew Drop,” Mitchell said. “It turns out it has a rich history of jazz itself. George Anderson played bass with Bunk Johnson and his son Andy Anderson played trumpet with Preservation Hall Band and recorded with George Lewis and some others, I don’t think he ever did anything on his own label but this was there summer cottage.”

That cottage serves as the green room for entertainers and meeting space for the Friends Of The Dew Drop Inn.