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HARAHAN (WGNO)— Day after day, hour after hour, these Fed Ex customers are fed up with waiting.

Fed Ex customers at the Fed Ex Shipping Center in Harahan say because of Hurricane Ida there has been a back up in them receiving their packages. What is so frustrating for them is the lack of communication as to how they an get their packages or where they even are?

“Just treated like you are nothing, but people here are here for something valid,” Kathryn Moon said.

For many of these folks time is of the essence.

“I’m waiting on life saving drugs for my wife,” Greg Schramel said.

Some of these customers say that they’ve been waiting for up to two weeks to get their packages, and some of them have waited in line up to four hours.

“A massive delay they said they had over 60-thousand packages backed up in Memphis from hurricane. It took me 14 days to get this package and I waited two hours in line,” John Keahey said.

For these customers they are aggravated and their patience is up.

“I think they could make more of an effort and think about what they are doing to people,” Schramel said.

Fed Ex said in a statement that the problem with the back up of packages is due to Hurricane Ida and a staff shortage. They apologize for any inconvenience and say customers can check the status of their packages on Fed Ex’s website at