Famous artist Ashley Longshore helping family fight multiple sclerosis

NEW ORLEANS– Famous artist Ashley Longshore is helping a local family fight multiple sclerosis with a signed piece of her work.

This Audrey mini with of value of $3,000 is being raffled off to help Kourtney Strickland, who’s fighting the disease herself.  Strickland will be participating in the Walk MS in Jacksonville, which brings important funds and awareness to the disease.

The piece of art is $40 a ticket.  $100 gets you four entries, and $500 gets you 25 entries.  The winner of this raffle will be announced on April 15th.

Kourtney’s sister Kristina Gabik Vitrano said, “My sister was diagnosed with MS two years ago, but she doesn’t let it dim her light.  There’s nothing I can do to help cure her or lessen her pain.  This fundraiser will help her.”

To donate, click: http://bit.ly/FightMSRaffle2019_AshleyLongshoreAudrey
