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DIAMONDHEAD, MS. – Diamondhead has become a haven for veterans.

Bricks that are part of a Blue Star Memorial by-way speak to the patriotic spirit embedded in this close-knit community.

The Blue Star Memorials Program honors all men and women serving in the U.S. Armed Services.

“I would estimate based on census data, probably somewhere around 1200 – which is an extremely high number,” COMMANDER FRED SULLIVAN SAid. “It’s more than twice the normal amount – or normal concentration of veterans in other parts of the country.”

Veterans built the bandstand in front of City Hall, another one of mayor Tommy Schafer’s favorite spots.

It’s popular for photos and fun year-round.

“We decorate it with Christmas lights at Christmas time, there’s lights in the trees, there’s lights across the front of City Hall,” Schafer said, “For our Christmas Festival, this is where Mr. and Mrs. Claus are seated, the children line up here. It’s used for a myriad of events.”

The giving goes both ways.

Diamondhead gives veterans high quality living in a place where their legacy and patriotic pride can flourish.