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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — There just might be hundreds of events this week marking the ten-year mark since Hurricane Katrina.  Okay, maybe there’s not that many.  But it feels like millions for a lot of people who can’t wait for August 30th to get here.

One of New Orleans’ greatest symbols of recovery is the new University Medical Center on Tulane Avenue.  The hospital moved in patients a few weeks ago but waited until this week to host an official dedication ceremony.

Two of the big names at the event were Governor Bobby Jindal and former governor Kathleen Blanco.

We asked both about Katrina fatigue and the notion that some people might prefer to spend the week in a dark room with the lights, television, and cell phone off.

Blanco told WGNO News that she understands how many people might feel like hiding instead of celebrating this week.  She also offers some advice for why they might want to reconsider.

Jindal took a broader approach saying that people had different Katrina experiences so they’ll also pick their own ways to celebrate — or ignore — the ten-year anniversary.

For more on their comments, click on the video button above.