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NEW ORLEANS – The Coast Guard airlifted a man and his dog from their stranded boat near Buras yesterday.

The Plaquemines Parish Sheriff’s Office reported a stranded boater around 2:30 p.m. on November 18. Coast Guard Sector New Orleans mobilized a MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter and the Coast Guard Station in Venice sent out a 24-foot rescue boat to the area.

A Coast Guard Air Station New Orleans MH-65 aircrew medevac one mariner and one dog from an aground vessel Nov. 18, 2020, near Yellow Cotton Bay, Louisiana. The aircrew arrived on scene and hoisted the mariner and his dog to Plaquemines Medical Center in stable condition.(U.S. Coast Guard courtesy photo)

The air crew spotted the man and his dog on their 34-foot boat, which had run aground near Yellow Cotton Bay. Both were airlifted and transported to Plaquemines Medical Center, where they are in stable condition, according to the Coast Guard.

A Coast Guard photo of the rescue shows the man and dog embracing as crews hoist the pair into the helicopter.