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NEW ORLEANS – The City of New Orleans has been fighting back against inaccurate Tropical Storm Barry media coverage on Twitter.

After spotting a tweet by the Washington Post advertising an article titled “Anxiety grips New Orleans as residents flee the city, bracing for heavy rain and hurricane-force winds,” the administrator of @CityOfNOLA leapt into action.

“Your headline is not factual and there are multiple inaccuracies in this reporting,” the City tweeted at the Washington Post. “Follow authorized city accounts for up to date information on #Barry.”

When another Twitter user tweeted out a picture meant to show widespread flooding in Orleans Parish, the city’s account reacted similarly.

“This video is from a different rain event days ago,” that tweet read. “This does not accurately depict the current conditions in New Orleans.”

The social media salvos have been met with waves of support by New Orleans residents and fans of accurate reporting alike.

“City of YASSS” read one reply to the city’s Washington Post tweet.