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NEW ORLEANS– Ever seen the beautiful wildflowers in New Orleans City Park?  Right now its planting time and News with a Twist Reporter Kenny Lopez talked with the Director of Grounds at City Park to find out how these wildflowers grow!

“We seeded these fields yesterday. We used about 600 pounds of wildflower seeds,” Dan Preziosi, Director of Grounds at City Park said.

He’s making sure that their wildflowers spring up!

“There’s about 60-thousand square feet of wildflower fields, and we do two different varieties of cosmos flowers.  One kind is yellow, and the other is pink and white,” he said.

They don’t have t do much watering of these wildflowers once the seeds are planted.

“We don’t do any watering on our own.  We count on mother nature to do all the watering we need for these fields,” Preziosi said.

And as long as mother nature cooperates with rain, he said in about 8 weeks the whole field should be covered in wildflowers.

If having wildflowers like the ones in City Park is what you want in your garden, this may be music to your ears!

“Talk to your local horticulturists.  Talk to your nurseries.  Find out what works best for you in your yard or your specific environment,” he said.

Preziosi went on to remind everyone to please not pick the wildflowers or stomp on them.  They do encourage folks to come and take pictures.  They really want everyone to come and enjoy the beautiful flowers.

The wildflower fields are near Marconi and Roosevelt Avenue in New Orleans City Park.

For more information about New Orleans City Park, click HERE.