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ST. JAMES PARISH (WGNO) – People looking forward to the Christmas Eve bonfires in St. James Parish are watching the weather. So far the event is still a go, and members of law enforcement are preparing to deal with the large crowds expected.

WGNO News Reporter Darian Trotter has more on how the parish is preparing.

Preps are underway along the levee for the annual Festival of Bonfires.

Gramercy and Lutcher are ground zero in St. James Parish. It’s where we found Travis Faucheux and the gang putting on the finishing touches of their contribution.

“A lot of man power and a lot of time in the forest,” Faucheux said. “Some people build it in a day; some people build it in a week. It all matters how much work you put on it.”

Just more than 100 permitted bonfires will again create a spectacle Christmas Eve; bringing thousands of friends and neighbors together for some holiday cheer.

Payton Poche can’t wait.

“Couple thousand people come every year. It’s a pretty big turnout. It’s a nice event,” he said.

Just as neighbors are getting ready, so too are members of law enforcement.

The St. James Sheriff’s Office is focusing on public safety, specifically traffic and crowd control.

“The traffic on the River Road basically comes to a serious stall and we try to keep it crawling,” Sheriff Willy Martin said.

During the bonfire, there is usually a mixture of people who want to drive by to see the light show, and others who will park their cars and stand shoulder to shoulder on the levee.

Trotter asked, “You know sometimes people get a little out of control. How do you deal with that? We try to be very tolerant. We know everybody’s out to have a good time. We’re not out to ruin anybody’s party. We just want to make sure they keep safety in mind,” Sheriff Martin replied.

As many as 60 officers will be keeping watch.

Poche doesn’t mind.

“You know you have your crazy people, get a little too wild. That’s what they’re there for to keep the peace,” he explained.

When it comes to alcohol Sheriff Martin says use good common sense.

“We’re very very patient but we will not tolerate reckless operation in driving and speeding,” Sheriff Martin said. “If they’ve been drinking be smart. Don’t get behind the wheel of a vehicle.”

The burn begins at 7pm on Christmas Eve.

Sheriff Martin suggests drivers arrive early to secure parking; and be prepared to walk.
