CASA Jefferson seeking volunteer advocates for local children

Metairie, La. (WGNO)— Kids in foster care are not only seeking permanent homes, but advocates as well to monitor their cases in the system.

CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children) Jefferson does just that and they could use a few dozen advocates- immediately.

Executive Director Wendy Magee stated, “A CASA Advocate goes out into the children’s home that they’re appointed to, and investigates the child’s home, they’re well being in school and they make recommendations to the court based off of permanency and best interest.”

While the organization serves dozens of kids in the parish, the need is still substantial.

“Currently we have 76 kids being served by about 51 volunteers and we have another 41 kids waiting for a volunteer,” said Magee.

Margaret Ether is the Advocate Recruiter and she says that the organization also provides resources to help the children, “People donate new clothing, and birthdays we’ll get something here for a child’s birthday. We’ll go on the shelf and get something. We have books, donated from Barnes and Noble for our children. It’s all about making children feel that they’re useful that they are somebody.”

According to CASA Jefferson, the average commitment is about two years.

To become an advocate log on to www.casajefferson.org