Beyonce’s mom approves New Orleans entrepreneur’s ‘Safety Pouch’ now in 400 Walmart locations

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)— “The Safety Pouch” was invented to ease any possible tension between civilians and police officers during traffic stops. This was invented in order to help keep both drivers and police officers safe.

WGNO’s Kenny Lopez first interviewed the inventor of “The Safety Pouch” a few years ago and did the story you see above.

“The Safety Pouch” can now be found at 400 Walmart locations nationwide. It is a black owned business. This invention aims to ease traffic stop interactions.

Black entrepreneur David Price decided to invent this useful safety tool.

“It holds your driver’s license, registration, and insurance,” he said.

Price invented “The Safety Pouch” for his Business Seminar class at Loyola University . It was a mid-term project where students needed to create a product that helps ignite a societal change that they’d like to see.

“Due to the past events at traffic stops recently that have turned violent or over confrontational because of people reaching for their information, and officers not being sure if they were reaching for something else, so I thought this was something that was needed,” Price said.

He originally thought of the idea years ago. “When I got my driver’s license, my parents sat me down at the table for the talk. They told me if I was stopped on the road by an officer, they told me not to make any drastic moves and make sure to announce

everything that I was doing to the officer,” he said.

“The Safety Pouch” is manufactured in China, but designed here in New Orleans by designer Briana Henry of Nola DDM. All of them are bright orange, so they are highly visible to the police officers.

“I hope my product calls for a bigger change for policing in our communities,” he said.

Price said he’s talked with police officers about his product and they approve, as well as many high-profile celebrities like Tina Lawson, who’s Beyonce’s mom, as well as supermodels Bella and Gigi Hadid who mentioned it on social media. Even Erykah Badu has commented on “The Safety Pouch” on social media. “The Safety Pouch” and David will also be featured on “The Kelly Clarkson Show.”

“The overwhelming feedback has been positive for this invention,” he said.

Many pre-orders have already been taken and will be shipped out to customers soon. If you’d like to buy one or for more information on The Safety Pouch you can find all the details The Safety Pouch’s website.

Price also plans on donating his invention to drivers at driving schools. You can also help donate by purchasing “The Safety Pouch” for those driving schools.

“The Safety Pouch” also can help with social distancing during this coronavirus crisis, because there will be less hand-to-hand contact.