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The Baton Rouge and statewide branches of the NAACP are calling for the immediate termination of a Louisiana State Police Trooper accused of using a racial slur in reference to a fellow Trooper.

In a news release, the NAACP accuses Trooper August McKay of using the ‘n-word’ when referring to a fellow Trooper. Furthermore, the NAACP accuses LSP leadership of failing to discipline McKay when they were made aware.

Statement from the NAACP:

“State Trooper August McKay should be forced to immediately resign for using the “N” word to describe a fellow trooper. It is deplorable to learn that Mr. McKay never received discipline for using such a vile and hateful racial slur.

A police officer while wearing a badge should always exhibit high standards of conduct so that the integrity of the badge is preserved. ​An officer should act in a manner that promotes public confidence. State Trooper August Mckay has violated his right to wear a badge and has betrayed our community’s trust.

The NAACP feels that using such language is not just inappropriate, but also unacceptable, not to mention directing such hateful rhetoric at another Trooper. The use of this racial slur ​indicates his unacceptable prejudice and racial bias against black and brown people. We will not stand for State Trooper August McKay to police our community anymore.

Mr. McKay was never disciplined for using this racial slur which shows a complete breakdown of leadership and oversight within the Louisiana State Police. It is clear that there are structural injustices within the Louisiana State Police and every single administrator who knew about this injustice should be disciplined. Colonel Kevin Reaves, you’ve failed us, and we hope that you work alongside us to restore trust in the Louisiana State Police. We are calling on Governor John Bel Edwards to stand with us and act swiftly and firmly. Nothing but State Trooper August McKay’s termination will suffice.

We are formally asking the Legislative Black Caucus and every African American Elected Official in the State of Louisiana to join us in calling for Mr. McKay’s immediate termination. We are asking for all elected officials to stand with us in being proactive to assure that we do not have another tragic killing at the hands of a police officer. We are asking the District Attorney Office to review every single case where Trooper August Mcckay was a part of the investigation, arrest and/or conviction of a black or brown person seriously reviewed or overturned. We hope that collectively we ensure that this racist individual never wears a Badge again.”