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Was Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal on the Tonight Show? No. But Aziz Ansari impersonated a funnier, more enthusiastic version of the presidential hopeful.

Wednesday night Jimmy Fallon asked Jindal aka Ansari about why he hasn’t dropped out of the presidential race yet.

“I was pulling at 1%. I’m now pulling at 2%,” Ansari said. “That’s a 100% increase!”

Ansari went on to announce his new campaign slogan: Jindal 2016 Taste The Fat

“Have you ever tasted 1% milk? It’s barely milk. It’s like drinking white water. But man! When you start dumping that 2% milk on your Apple Jacks it’s like POW! You can taste the fat. It’s a game changer,” Ansari said.

Ansari also talked about his feelings toward science and Donald Trump.

Watch the interview above.