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Captain Vince Liberto’s office hasn’t changed since the day he was shot and killed.

The door remains locked and closed, but Mandeville will *never be the same, and the people are opening their hearts to help lift the LIberto family, the Mandeville Police Department, and all of those with broken hearts in the community,” Chief Gerald Sticker, Mandeville Police Department said. “Our citizens have come forward to reassure the police department that they are with us. And that has made all the difference in the world, just knowing that we have the community support.”

That support is scattered around Mandeville in clusters of flags, flowers, posters and signs.

It is nearly impossible to run any errand in the city without seeing the community’s effort to guard the hearts of the officers who have sworn to protect them.

And the creativity!

The Jiu-Jitsu business organizing a silent auction.

The barbecue restaurant selling raffle tickets for a free year of food.

Thousands raised to help the fallen officer’s family, each, the best way they know how.

“Everyone has stepped up within their lane of travel, and they’ve used what God gifted them with, and they’ve brought it to bear on Vincent’s family and the police department, and that has been inspiring,” Sticker said. “It’s just God’s way of saying through people that he has called that we got this. This doesn’t define us. This is who we are. That’s made all the difference.”