At only 8 years old, this New Orleans second-grader says, ‘be nice’

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — Serving muffins to the school staff, just because it’s nice to be nice.

At Hynes-Parkview Charter School, it’s Random Act of Kindness Day.

And it’s the day WGNO Good Morning New Orleans features reporter Bill Wood asks, “why bother to be nice?”

Bill Wood gets the answer from 8-year-old, second-grader Johnie Darby.

He says, “let’s say someone fell and hurt their knee and you walk by and said you’re fine, if you’re not nice and you don’t help someone when they need it, people aren’t gonna help you when you need it.”

Their day to be nice is part of a movement across America.

And around the globe.

It’s The Great Kindness Challenge with 17 million students signing up.

As a school, Hynes-Parkview has quite a history.

Celebrating almost a century and who knows how much niceness.

As Johnie Darby says, “if you treat them average, they’ll treat you average.”

Johnie then says, “if you treat them good, they’ll treat you good.”