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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)– The New Orleans Police Department celebrated with a promotion ceremony for some of their officers.

It is a new day at the NOPD with 161 officers in training to be senior officers and 15 captains, 1 sergeant, and 1 Lieutenant all being sworn in to their new roles.

“We do have a department where you can develop a career path and develop and grow,” Superindendent Shaun Ferguson with the NOPD said.

Mayor Latoya Cantrell said, “The focus of our department is not only growth, but retention by doing so by investing in the men and women that not only value public safety, but they put everything on the line.”

The NOPD hasn’t had a Captain’s exam since 2003.

“I want to thank you for stepping up and having the courage to take the exam,” Cantrell said.

Superintendent Shuan Ferguson said now is the time to be part of the NOPD.

This promotion ceremony couldn’t have come at a better time especially with the public recognizing the violence on the streets, high crime rate, and need for more officers.

“I’m looking forward to working with each and every one of you. This is a new day. You are at the NOPD at the right tome and I’m so excited,” Ferguson said.

And for those who serve, moving up ranks is a big deal to them.

“What we have created is a foundation that we are going to stand to move this city forward in ways we haven’t seen before,” Mayor Cantrell said.