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Police are investigating an incident in Algiers.  Three children were towed away inside an SUV after they were left inside.  The children were ages 4 and 6 years old, including a 7-month-old baby.  Phillip Spencer says he got the call to take a vehicle that was illegally parked.  The mom told police she only stepped away for two minutes. Spencer says he didn’t notice the kids until he got to the tow yard on Canal Street in Mid-City.

“I opened the door, said ‘Hey little man, you alright?’ and the boy shook his head.  I said sit tight, police on the way.  Looked in the backseat, other two still sleeping,” says Spencer.

Charges could be on the way for Spencer.  He says when officers got there, they threatened to charge him with neglect and kidnapping.  “I thought I was doing the right thing, still the cops say they want to charge me,” says Spencer.  The children were not hurt.  The investigation is ongoing.