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NEW ORLEANS– One of the greatest gifts we can give is sharing our talents and gifts with others.

WGNO Reporter Kenny Lopez is collecting acts of kindness to share some good in these stressful times.

20-year old Murphy Meyn is sharing his gift—his powerful voice with his neighbors in the Fountainbleu neighborhood.

“The reason I sang on my porch is because my neighbor Mr. John asked me to sing a few songs to dedicate to all the healthcare workers who are working super hard right now,” he said.

Meyn’s a graduate of NOCCA and currently a sophomore at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York. He’s happy that his porch performances are making a difference.


“I thought it was a nice way to bring the community together as they all joined me on their own porches at social distances to hear me sing,” Meyn said.

Please e-mail your acts of kindness to Kenny at Kenny will be compiling all the kindness into special reports that you can see right here on and on our newscasts.