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Bobby Jindal is at it again.  Just last week, Jindal pulled a 180, after supporting Common Core, Jindal, is now against the education reforms.  Just this week he has decided the PARCC testing, that he once supported, is not a good idea now.  Jindal loves embracing people or ideas and then abandoning them.  He did it with the director of health and hospitals.  When she said merging two departments could hurt health care in the state, Jindal fired her.  When LSU board members had a different view from Jindal’s, he fired them too.  He then ousted the LSU systems president John Lombardi.  When John Barry and the levee board decided to sue 97 oil and gas companies for hurting our coast, Jindal fired Barry.

Now Jindal is against common core and the testing based around it.  Is Jindal’s education superintendent next?   John White, brought in by Jindal, is a common core and PARCC testing advocate.  Knowing Jindal’s history of taking his bat and ball and going home instead of playing is now legendary.  John White might want to keep a bag packed.  Because Bobby Jindal is at it again.