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HENDRICKS COUNTY, Ind. (WXIN) — A pumpkin smashed through a car windshield on Interstate 70 in Indiana on Sunday and came within inches of hitting the driver.

“I just started shaking because I guess I was so scared,” said Caleb Needham, the car’s owner.

The car now has a busted windshield, and sitting in the passenger’s seat surrounded by shattered glass is the pumpkin that did the damage.

“I entered like a shocked state. I’m like, ‘What just happened? Where did this pumpkin come from?’ I could honestly just have died right there,” said Needham.

Around 4 a.m., Needham, who is an Indiana State University student, was heading home after going to some haunted houses with friends. He was on I-70 in Hendricks County when he saw a semitrailer swerve. Seconds later, a pumpkin flew through his windshield.

Someone had tossed the pumpkin off an overpass, and it landed in the passenger seat of his car.

“The officer said if it would’ve come through on my side, I probably would have died,” Needham said.

Needham was shaken but not hurt. He pulled over and turned on his flashers so as not to put anyone else in danger.

“I don’t know, I guess something just took over my body, or I guess God telling me to keep calm,” said Needham.

Indiana State Police said they believe Caleb’s car was the only one hit.

“We are asking people to be vigilant. Watch those overpasses, if you see something suspicious, if you see children or teenagers up on those overpasses, report that to 911 right away so we can respond and investigate,” said Sgt. John Perrine with ISP.

Police want whoever is responsible to realize this isn’t a joke or a Halloween prank.

“This is something we take very seriously. This is a criminal act that could have criminal consequences, and so we want people to know this is a very serious offense to do that,” said Perrine. “You could kill somebody.”

Needham is grateful his car was the one damaged.

“I’m glad it happened to me, where it was just me in the car, and it wasn’t like a family coming back from vacation, like a family loses a mother or father or a child or their children,” said Needham.