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It’s the ad campaign millions are watching online. NFL dads spending quality time with their daughters by trying to tackle their tangles. New Orleans Saints Benjamin Watson is just one NFL star in the Pantene commercial that sending a powerful message about raising strong girls.

“Just because you’re a guy and she’s a growing young lady, doesn’t mean that you have nothing to do with her and you can’t connect with her,” Watson said.

Watson’s two little girls are featured in the new ‘Strong is Beautiful’ ad.

“She’s really going to judge all men by how I treat her,” Watson said. “So it’s important for me to connect with them and do things that they want to do… It’s about connecting and showing them that they’re important and that they’re worth my time.”

This campaign is also a sort of ‘ponytail playbook’ for dads who may know football, but can’t tackle a tangle.

“Feels like mommy but he has bigger hands,” Grace Watson said.

Benjamin Watson is  up for the NFL Walter Payton Man of the Year award Saturday (Feb. 6).