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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)— With many seeking better health in 2022, a personal trainer, former marine, author, and coach gives tips and tricks on how to achieve your fitness resolutions with or without a gym membership.

Emilio Roman served eight years with the United States Marine Corps and trained some of the military’s top leaders.

Along with his experience in the marines, he has trained athletes from the Toronto Blue Jays and Houston Astros and was the former fitness coordinator for the city of Philadelphia.

Roman has had opportunities to work with a variety of different people, he said he has a passion to help people achieve their fitness goals.

“The truth is the people I enjoy working with the most are people like me, the average joe who is excited, but just doesn’t know where to start.”

Roman said many people make mistakes when it comes to getting into a fitness routine.

He said one of the first mistakes he had noticed is people sign up for a gym membership, along with everyone else.

So he recommends people to call the gym and ask what the peak hours are, and avoid going during the busiest times.

Roman also said no one needs a gym membership in order to meet their fitness goals.

“Going to the gym is a big production, statistically the average person has a gym that is 15 minutes away from people’s homes, then another 15 minutes back home.”

Roman said going to the gym can take away a lot of time, and be tough for some people’s schedules.

He said you can save that time, by doing quick and easy exercises in the comfort of home.

Here are Romans 5 simple tips anyone can do:

  • Dancing In Place for 5 minutes No Gym membership, no one judging or looking at you while you cut loose and allow your personality, free spirit and just savor the moment before life gets real again…crank the music-up and go for it!
  • The Elastic Bands “Celebrities and titness pros “go-to” for many reasons. They are great for keeping tension on the muscles without the stress injury potential of traditional home/gym equipment.
  • The Fitness BallIs a dynamic tool with over 21 Gym Quality Exercises with no assisted equipment. It improves posture, core strength, back muscles, and overall body tone.”
  • Walking “If walking was good enough for old Jefferson, it’s good enough for me. While many may choose to participate in high-risk activities like Crossfit and Bootcamps, our bodies are not designed to endure pounding and jumping for too long without potential Knee, Neck, and Back injuries. Walking is ideal and has proven to outperform most fly by night fitness fads. Get to steppin…”
  • GOD’S Gym (Your Body Weight) “The military and most athletic associations understand nothing will ever replace using body weight and proper body mechanics to increase strength, speed, and stamina to perform real life work. Incorporate and master the basic calisthenics and you will get in the best shape of your life without losing your shirt; You may need to buy a new shirt after investing some time in working out.”

Roman said it’s not always about the intensity and more about the daily movement.