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WEST MONROE, LA. (KTVE/KARD)– Patty Stewart left the hospital for the first time in 130 days. She wanted us to be there to share her story as she starts her new life back at home.

“When I left the hospital, just feeling the air… and then all of the nurses that were lined up for me to come through,” Stewart said. “It made me sad, but happy.”

Stewart was admitted into St. Francis Medical Center in Monroe on October 26th of 2020. She said she had trouble breathing.

“I was on the ventilator for 89 days,” Stewart said.

That’s when the doctors told her she had the coronavirus.

She said during her time there she was in the ICU Corona, moved to ICU Critical, then to specialty. After months of being on a ventilator, she woke up from her coma, and finished her stay at the hospital in rehab.

She said she couldn’t lift anything, walk, or use any of her muscles. Stewart also experienced multiple complications. She had two seizures, her lungs collapsed, and was unresponsive on numerous occasions.

Stewart said she couldn’t lift anything, walk, or use any of her muscles. Stewart said doctors told her family members she either wouldn’t make it or she would have brain damage by the time she was released.

“I heard that they thought I wasn’t going to make it. I thought they were fixing to pull the plug, and I remember they said I came to and I was saying ‘they’re going to kill me’ and that’s when I started fighting,” Stewart said.

She said although she missed multiple holidays, she did make it out in time for her birthday.

“My birthday is on Sunday. I’m happy I made it to this birthday,” Stewart said.

She says through it all, she knows it was the prayers that kept her going. She thanks the family, friends, and strangers who messaged her and sent prayers during her stay.

Stewart said she hopes people who hear her story learn to take the virus seriously.

“It is serious. You may think it’s not going to happen to you and I was one of them, I was one that said ‘Oh I won’t get it because I have been wearing my mask and gloves’, but it can hit you.”

Stewart said after waking up from her coma, she learned a few of her friends had lost their lives to the virus.

“So I’m very fortunate that I did survive. There were about 4,000 messages that I got of people sending their prayers, and they were definitely answered.”