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MONROE, La. (KTVE/KARD) — Now that summer is here, more people will be getting in the water and safety will be a priority for many families.

As water activities resume at pools, lakes and beaches, the risk of drowning increases. But there are some simple steps you can take to stay safe when jumping in the water. 

Certified swimming instructor Katherine Laboy says some of the most common causes of drowning are being unaware of your surroundings, a lack of supervision, and the inability to swim.

“Main No. 1 is to always look around and assess your surroundings, and make sure it is safe before you get in,” she said.

Laboy says to avoid injury, people should look before they jump into the water since it could be deep or too shallow. She also said that swimming solo is never a good idea.

“Don’t swim alone ever. It’s not safe; you could get a cramp. Even the best of swimmers, it’s super dangerous. And also, just be sure someone knows where you are at all times especially when it comes to water,” Laboy said.

She also suggested that people take a water safety course. “I can even offer just basic water survival,” she said.

Some parents say putting their children in swimming classes brings them peace of mind when it comes to the water. 

“I think as a parent you always have that fear, but it’s much much less,” said Katie Boudloch.

Another parent said just knowing swimming safety measurements can make a difference.

“Me personally, I can’t swim. And I just feel like having water safety and the kids knowing how to swim can possibly save them and another child’s life,” said Lasha Reynolds.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers other tips, including “know your limits.”

“Watch out for the “too’s” — too tired, too cold, too far from safety, too much sun, too much hard activity,” the CDC advises.