St. Tammany Parish moves into Phase III, provides rental assistance update

COVINGTON, La. — St. Tammany Parish President Mike Cooper announced on Thursday that St. Tammany Parish is now in Phase III.

“Simply by doing their part, our citizenry directly contributed to our movement into Phase III, as we saw a sustained decrease in positive cases and hospitalizations,” said Cooper. “We want to see this trend continue through perseverance in taking personal responsibility, wearing a mask, social distancing and staying home when feeling ill.

“If you are eligible for the vaccine and wish to receive it, please get it at the first opportunity.”

In Phase III, the majority of businesses, including restaurants and salons, will be able to open at 75 percent of their capacity; indoor gatherings and event centers will be capped at 50 percent of their capacity but limited to 250 people; religious services will no longer have capacity limits.

Bars in all parishes will be able to open for indoor service at 25 percent capacity, not to exceed 250 people. Bars in parishes where the percent positivity is 5 percent or lower for two consecutive weeks may have indoor service at 50 percent capacity, not to exceed 250 people.

St. Tammany’s percent positivity is currently 6.90, according to numbers released Wednesday, March 2, from the Louisiana Department of Health.

St. Tammany Rental Assistance Program or STRAP Update

The St. Tammany Rental Assistance Program (STRAP), which will utilize the CARES Act funding from the Department of Treasury is mobilizing. This assistance is available to assist households that are unable to pay rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

St. Tammany Parish Government estimates fully implementing the program and scheduling appointments in the beginning of April.

“We know that our citizens need this funding, and we are moving forward to put all of the components in place to roll out our program to make it available to them,” said Cooper. “We feel it is important for the public to be aware of our progress and have an avenue to pose questions.

“When the final details are complete and we begin to accept applications, we will make a public announcement.”

Information on this program can be found at: www.stpgov.org/departments/grants.

Applicants who have questions should contact the Department of Grants by email at:  STRAP@stpgov.org.