OPSO: 39 employees have now tested positive for COVID-19

NEW ORLEANS – On Friday, Sheriff Marlin Gusman and Compliance Director Darnley R. Hodge released the following information regarding ongoing health monitoring of inmates and OPSO staff and contractors, as well as established precautions at the Orleans Justice Center (OJC) related COVID-19 prevention and treatment:


“Regarding OPSO staff, 19 employees who were impacted by COVID-19 in some way have returned to work and 16 employees of OPSO’s contracted medical provider, WellPath, have returned to work. This should be viewed as a positive, as we continue to manage through this pandemic.

Since OPSO began tracking employees affected by COVID-19, a total of 39 employees have tested positive, 14 have tested negative and seven are awaiting their test results. Since we began tracking, we had a total of 32 employees in self-quarantine. Currently, we have 21 employees in self-quarantine.

Additionally, 29 WellPath employees have been impacted by COVID-19. This includes 11 who have tested positive, 10 who have tested negative, two who are awaiting their results and six that self-quarantined. There are now three Wellpath employees in self-quarantine.

In total, there are 11 inmates on the COVID-19 case management that have been released from OPSO custody. Of those released, five were positive, three were negative, one has pending results and two were not tested, because they were released before they could be tested.

Of our active inmate count, 16 inmates have tested positive for COVID-19, 19 have tested negative and two are awaiting their results. As mentioned in previous updates, we have been medically segregating inmates as deemed necessary to contain the virus on one housing  unit and are attempting to acquire enough collection kits to systematically test all inmates and staff in an effort to contain the virus and eliminate it from within our facilities.

Our current inmate population in OJC is 740. There are no inmates currently in the Intake and Processing Center (IPC), 40 at the Temporary Detention Center and 20 at Hunt Correctional Center.”


“The Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office has a plan in place for illnesses such as pandemic flu, which has been modified to better fit the recommended COVID-19 response procedures. We are in regular communication with the New Orleans Department of Health, the Louisiana Office of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to ensure that we are taking the necessary steps to protect the public, our staff and our inmates and minimize the spread of COVID-19.

Following is a summary of the prevention and treatment measures that are in force at all OPSO facilities:

All OPSO employees and contractors have been notified of this plan, advised on ways to avoid exposure to the virus, encouraged to practice social distancing and urged to notify their supervisors and stay home if they are feeling ill. Specifically, the OPSO has implemented the following procedures for OPSO staff:

As an educational tool for inmates and staff, OPSO has produced a series of videos that is airing on televisions across the facilities. The videos focus on the severity of the outbreak and address how to identify signs and symptoms, ways to prevent the spread and employee protocol surrounding COVID-19.

We have established protocol to test individuals for the virus and report cases to the CDC and Department of Health immediately. We also have detailed instructions and procedures for treating that individual or, if necessary, properly transporting that person to a designated medical facility.”