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THIBODAUX, LA – On Monday afternoon, Jay Clune, President of Nicholls State University, announced the postponement of Spring 2020 commencement ceremonies. The difficult decision comes amid the COVID-19 outbreak in the state.

Read the full letter below:

This has been an unprecedented time for Nicholls, the state, and our nation. Conditions and circumstances change daily as we all work together to stay safe and to help you, our students, continue your educational journey. My number one goal is to see that you complete this semester and graduate on time.  With that in mind, I want to focus today’s message on our graduating seniors and graduate students. My goal is for you to receive your degree and enter into the careers for which you have been preparing. 

I wanted to reach out to you as soon as a decision was reached regarding the Spring 2020 Commencement Ceremony. Following the state and national recommendations to avoid large gatherings, the University has made the decision to postpone the May 16, 2020 Commencement Ceremonies. Let me say that again: postpone, not cancel.

However, I want you to know that you will receive your degree upon completion of all degree requirements at the end of this semester. We are in the process of working out the details to hold a web-based virtual recognition ceremony to celebrate your accomplishments at the conclusion of the Spring semester and will provide those details as soon as possible.

There is nothing that can replace that feeling of walking across the stage and accepting the diploma that you have worked so hard to earn, while your family and loved ones cheer you on. I certainly want you to experience that! Once this threat has passed, and we return to celebrating together, we will reschedule your Commencement Ceremony. Until then, focus on your studies, take care of yourself, reach out if you have questions and do great things!