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(KFDX/KJTL) — So, you’re just now realizing how quickly the holidays are approaching and it just hit you that you need to be fully vaccinated before the most wonderful time of the year is here.

Don’t worry, you still have time. But, it’s quickly running out.

According to guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a person is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving their second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

For recipients of the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine, a person is considered fully vaccinated 14 days after receiving their one shot.

Ahead of traveling and family gatherings, those who have yet to do so may want to consider being fully vaccinated before spending time with friends and relatives, particularly those who may be more vulnerable to COVID-19.

To ensure you’re fully vaccinated in time for the holidays, here’s when you should start your COVID-19 vaccine series:

To schedule a COVID -19 vaccine with the Wichita Falls – Wichita County Health District please click here.


The Moderna vaccine requires an initial injection followed up by a second round of the vaccine four weeks later.

Those who elect to receive the Moderna two-dose vaccine will need to ensure they’ve received their second and final dose by December 10 to be considered fully vaccinated by Christmas Eve. In order to make that happen, the initial dose of the vaccine will need to be administered no later than Friday, November 12.


The Pfizer vaccine is similar to the Moderna, in that it requires two doses. However, Pfizer’s doses are closer together than Moderna’s. The vaccine is administered in two doses, with an initial dose followed by a second round of the vaccine three weeks later.

Those who elect to receive the Pfizer two-dose vaccine will also need to ensure they’ve received their second and final dose by December 10 to be considered fully vaccinated by Christmas Eve. However, in order to do so, Pfizer recipients need to ensure their initial dose of the vaccine will need to be administered no later than Friday, November 19, one week later than Moderna recipients

Johnson & Johnson

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is less of a puzzle to solve. Individuals electing to receive the Johnson & Johnson single-round COVID-19 vaccine will need to ensure they receive their injection by December 10 in order to be considered fully vaccinated by December 24.

What About Thanksgiving?

Sadly, unvaccinated individuals who are hoping to receive either the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and be fully vaccinated by Thanksgiving are already too late.

A second dose of either two-dose vaccine will need to be administered by Thursday, November 11 to be considered fully vaccinated by Thanksgiving Day.

This would require the initial injection to have occurred on or before October 14 for Moderna recipients and an initial injection of October 21 for Pfizer recipients.

Those who began a vaccine series on or before those two dates will be fully vaccinated by Thanksgiving.

For Johnson & Johnson recipients, there’s still a chance, but time is running out.

Those receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will need to ensure their injection is administered no later than Thursday, November 11 in order to be fully vaccinated by Thanksgiving Day.

When visiting loved ones this holiday season, one of the best gifts you can give is the peace of mind that vulnerable family members are protected from the spread of COVID-19.

Contact your local health authority and schedule your initial COVID-19 vaccine appointment soon to ensure you’re able to be considered fully vaccinated in time for the holidays.