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Viewer Email: Should I wear gloves when I go to the grocery store and can I reuse them if I soak them in hot water?

Dr. Rachel’s Response: “Okay some people like to wear gloves because they think it prevents them from touching their face. If you have the gloves on and you touch your face, it’s just like touching your face without gloves on so if it’s going to prevent you from touching your face then yes, wear the gloves but if you’re going to touch your face anyways, then don’t wear the gloves. You never, ever reuse your gloves. You always must throw the gloves away in a trash can. Don’t throw them on the ground or leave them around. They need to go into a trashcan because they are very contaminated. You can’t wash the gloves and reuse them.

Viewer Email: The kids in my neighborhood are outdoors playing all the time. Should I avoid contact with them?

Dr. Rachel’s Response: Absolutely. You know kids are probably the high population for people being the asymptomatic shedder so stay away from the kids. Probably not a good idea to be around the kids. Especially if you are a vulnerable population person.

Some grocery stores are now requiring you wear gloves and a mask while shopping.
We have a new special report with Dr. Rachel this Saturday night.
“Coronavirus: The Latest: Your Questions Answered” airs right here on WGNO at 6 and 10 p.m.