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CHAMPION TWP., Ohio (WKBN) – Imagine not one but multiple family members being diagnosed with COVID-19 at the same time. That was the reality for one local family in Champion Township, Ohio.

“We were the people who never left without a mask. Even before masks were mandated or recommended, we never left without one,” said Candice Dubravcak.

Still, Dubravcak, her father Jason Hickman, and three other family members had COVID-19 all at the same time.

“My husband was actually the first one that showed symptoms, and then I believe it was three days later, me and my mother started showing symptoms, and then the day after that was my sister and then a day or two after that was my dad,” Dubravcak said.

Dubravcak and Hickman had the worst cases, and their preexisting medical conditions were a cause for concern even before contracting the virus.

Dubravcak got COVID-19 just days after being diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. Along with her mother and both of her children, Dubravcak also has asthma. Hickman is a diabetic and former smoker.

“We had both developed pneumonia, the COVID pneumonia, and that seemed to be the main issue with us,” Dubravcak said.

Fevers and difficulty breathing sent both daughter and father to the hospital, and from their beds, they could see each other. But seeing his daughter didn’t ease any of Hickman’s concerns as a father.

“My worry was all for her. I didn’t really – I didn’t consider myself all that sick. I knew I was, but you know, she’s my first born and I’m more concerned with her,” said Hickman.

Both are now recovering at home along with the rest of their family.

They’re grateful that everyone is coming out okay on the other side of their COVID-19 experience, and for now, they plan to spend the rest of 2020 at home with family.