Christe Brewton is a Health Care Hero of the Day!

NEW ORLEANS — Just like a SWAT team shows up with special gear to help police, the LCMC HEART Team special moves gear to the company’s hospitals in the New Orleans area.

HEART stands for Helping Each Area Receive Things. Christe Brewton is the Assistant Vice President of Patient Access for LCMC. But when she wasn’t working her day job, she was taking shifts with other LCMC workers to move equipment from one hospital to another, sometimes in the middle of the night. Brewton says the HEART Team was formed to make sure hospitals have the gear they need to battle the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Go pick it up at Touro and bring it to West Jeff or wherever we needed to go,” Brewton told WGNO.

Some of the shipments included multiple items or heavy equipment, so the HEART Team rented a box truck. While some loaded the gear or drove the truck, other LCMC workers fielded phone call requests from hospitals.

For more of Brewton’s story, click on the video at the top of this page.

Healthcare Hero of the Day is sponsored by Schonberg Care.

Healthcare Hero of the Day is sponsored by Schonberg Care.