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DALLAS (KDAF) — The countdown to the spookiest holiday of the year is on and you might be asking yourself “what should I dress up as this Halloween?”

Long gone are the days when a sexy cop or witches were the most popular costumes.

Now, it seems art is imitating life when it comes to costumes. Yeah, looks like questionable is the new creative. Hazmat suits are apparently a hot Halloween get-up this year.

But that seems more trick than treat, especially in big d.

As fear spreads with two confirmed cases of Ebola, seeing people hazmat suits roaming our streets is already scary enough.

So are costumes shops seeing Ebola-inspired items fly off the shelves?

“We have increased our hazmat suits, there’s Walter Izenburg those hats sell and the glasses sell and we sell the hazmat suits,” said Jerry Purvis, owner of Dallas Vintage Shop.

Hey, this isn’t the first time inappropriate costumes wind up on store shelves. Costumes like the trapped Chilean miners, Trayvon Martin and Boston marathon victims top our list of most insensitive costumes.

“Usually the last week of Halloween we have amazing numbers of people coming in wanting to be the tackiest, ridiculous, lewd or crazy type costumes you can imagine,” said Purvis.

Well, you may be surprised to hear this, but the hazmat is so last year.

That’s right, the costume made its way to stores after Breaking Bad’s Walter White’s character gained popularity. Hmm, not so unique now, are you?

So if you’re thinking of turning in your sexy vixen outfit into a sexy virus get-up, you might want to think again. Let’s leave the hazmat suit to the guys facing the real scare.