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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – Chef Anthony had a hunch.

He grew up in New Orleans.

He went to culinary school and worked in other cities before he came back home.

He’s been having the hunch for a while now in the kitchen where he cooks at New Orleans Hyatt Regency.

Chef Anthony just knew something was going on with the gumbo.

WGNO News with a Twist features reporter Wild Bill Wood has a question for Chef Anthony.

“What was it you tasted in the gumbo that you didn’t like?” Wild Bill wonders.

“Gumbo was on the menu for lunch and dinner only.  It had so much potential.  There’s so much more we could do with gumbo,” Chef Anthony says.

So the chef decided to re-write the recipe.

And at the same time, re-write a few pages from cook book history.

Gumbo is the official state cuisine of Louisiana.

The chef combines two words never seen together until now.

Breakfast Gumbo.

He slices up sausage, bacon, sprinkles eggs on top and in the spirit of breakfast, he adds to the rice, slices of bananas.


Wild Bill is used to bananas on his Froot Loops.  But bananas in gumbo!

It’s a success on the breakfast buffet at the Hyatt.

But the true taste test, how does Breakfast Gumbo do when it’s served as breakfast in bed.