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BATON ROUGE, La. (WVLA) — United States Congressman Vance McAllister from Louisiana has already apologized for kissing a female staffer in December 2013, but leaders of the Republican Party in Louisiana don’t think that’s enough.Chairman of the Republican Party of Louisiana Roger F. Villere released a statement Thursday asking McAllister to resign from his office.Just hours later, Governor Bobby Jindal also said he thinks the congressman should step down.

McAllister, who is married with five children, was caught on camera kissing a female staffer in December 2013. The woman McAllister kissed is also married.

The LA GOP statement released Thursday reads as follows:

“The Republican Party of Louisiana calls on Vance McAllister to resign his seat in Congress. Mr. McAllister’s extreme hypocrisy is an example of why ordinary people are fed up with politics. A breach of trust of this magnitude can only be rectified by an immediate resignation. He has embarrassed our party, our state and the institution of Congress. A video showing him engaged in conduct unbecoming a member of Congress, on public time, in a public office, with one of his employees, was the focus of the national press for days. I call on Mr. McAllister to put the interests of his nation, state and party above his own and step aside.

We are praying for Mr. McAllister and the families that are involved. I attempted to resolve this matter privately and directly with Mr. McAllister, but his chief of staff chose to make this information public. Therefore, I have chosen to release this statement today.”

In a separate statement, Jindal expressed a similar opinion: “Congressman McAllister’s behavior is an embarrassment and he should resign. He says he wants privacy to work on his issues with his family. The best way to get privacy and work on putting his family back together is to resign from Congress.”