Gov. Jindal needs to keep his hands off our Flood Protection Board

Question: how can two good guys who are on our levee board fighting for us, keep their jobs? The answer: they can’t.

Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority East President Tim Doody and Vice President John Barry, whose terms have expired, would both like to remain on the board.  They have both served on the board since its inception 7 years ago.  Both appear to be apolitical in a state where politics rule the day.  And herein lies the problem.

Doody and Barry support a lawsuit filed against almost 100 oil and gas companies for contributing to the destruction of our coast.  Governor Bobby Jindal does not.  And usually what Bobby Jindal wants, Bobby Jindal gets.  And Bobby Jindal wants Doody and Barry off of his flood protection board.

Too bad it’s not Jindal’s board. But that doesn’t matter.  It also doesn’t matter that Doody and Barry have been doing an outstanding job for you and me.  Apolitical board members trying to keep our city dry and keep politics out of the process.

Bobby Jindal would love to keep our city dry, too; but controlling this board is a bigger priority.  He’s done it before and he’s about to do it again.

Look for Doody and Barry to be ousted from the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority East board soon. Not because it’s the best thing for the citizens of Louisiana but becomes it’s the best thing for Bobby Jindal.