Gov. Edwards’ proclamation makes it easier for out of state medical professionals to practice in Louisiana

(Hilary Scheinuk/The Advocate via AP)

BATON ROUGE — On Tuesday, Gov. John Bel Edwards signed a proclamation that eases laws to make it easier for out of state health care workers to come to Louisiana and practice during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The governor’s proclamation also directs funerals to occur as quickly as possible. It goes on to say that there should be a ten person limit.

“I am so incredibly grateful for our medical professionals here in Louisiana and those from other states who have volunteered to come to our state and help,” Gov. Edwards said. “We desperately need these professionals to join our local health care heroes to fight COVID-19 in Louisiana.”

The governor’s office says Health care workers from out of state can get free flights through Delta Airlines when coming to help during the crisis. First, they should register at LAVA.DHH.louisiana.gov.