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NEW ORLEANS– For those without transportation, heading to the polls to vote in tomorrow’s runoff election is a struggle.

“I don’t have a car myself so it sounds like a great convenience for people who want to get to the polls but can’t,” Shelley Wells, a lifetime voter said.

Wells understands the need for a ride to the polls for tomorrow’s runoff election.

“If they can get rides to the polls they can be part of the voting process and be involved,” she said.

For many people living in New Orleans driving to the polls is not an option because they don’t have cars.

“We are happy to give a LYFT code or workout your transportation in whatever is the easiest and efficient way possible,” Ashley Shelton, Executive Director of the Power Coalition for Equity & Justice said.

If you’re in need of a ride, the Power Coalition for Equity & Justice is here to help, especially reaching out to black voters.

“In runoff elections we see a lower turnout, but we know this is also a critical runoff election. This particular runoff election will determine the type of leadership that will lead the criminal justice system for the city of New Orleans for the next six years,” Shelton said.

The Power Coalition says in November’s general election they saw record voter turnout and the momentum must continue—car or no car.

“One of the things we are trying to do is provide information, transportation, so folks can have a voting plan and make sure they get out and vote tomorrow,” she said.

Voters like Shelley can’t deny the importance of making your voice heard.

“Once you look at how your life is impacted by what happens with local politics then it becomes more important. It might make a difference as to if someone votes or not, if someone doesn’t have a car,” Wells said.

If you need a ride to the polls, please call the Power Coalition for Equity & Justice at 504-881-3614. For more information, click HERE.