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COLUMBUS (WCMH) – An Ohio native and diehard Ohio State University football fan rescheduled her own brain surgery so she could watch the Sugar Bowl – now, she says she just wants to get better so she can continue helping others.

Connie Cox, a lifelong Buckeyes fan who was born and raised in central Ohio and lives in Florida, started going on mission trips to a village in Kenya in 2016. Her goal is to eventually have a much-needed medical clinic built in the village she has helped.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she couldn’t go last year, and the day after Christmas she was diagnosed with Glioblastoma, a form of brain cancer.

Cox wanted to make sure she could be with her family to watch the Sugar Bowl, so she delayed her surgery.

Last week, sporting Buckeye gear on the way to the hospital, Cox had her surgery.

Not only does she want OSU to win the national championship Monday, she hopes to overcome her diagnosis to make the clinic in Kenya a reality.

“I’m not going to waste one minute, one second of my life and I want everyone to know that whatever happens in your life, I really believe that you can make it a positive experience,” Cox said.

Cox’s story garnered attention from both OSU President Dr. Kristina Johnson, who tweeted about her, and former OSU quarterback Cardale Jones, who called her.

“The diagnosis is a tough one and it’s been hard on my family, but I had to tell them, ‘You guys need to get a little tougher here because I need you guys to be strong because I’m not done yet,’ and they know me,” Cox said.

Cox is now raising money on her website, where you can see photos from her time in Kenya and learn more about her mission.