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ODESSA, Texas (ABC Big 2/Fox 24) – Family of Andrew Capen are speaking out for hospitals to give him a fighting chance. Capen has been battling complications with COVID-19 since contracting the virus in July.

The family says many are exhausted as it has been one hurdle after another. While Capen has been steadily improving, he is in desperate need of a lung transplant. However, hospitals are not considering him, because he is considered “high risk.”

“We’re hoping that hospitals will see Andrew as a human and not as a statistic,” said aunt Wendy Prinz. “We’re hoping that they can see all of the positives. And see how he’s grown and strengthened over the past several months, instead of all of the weakness that they’re looking at on paper.”

Mother Brenda Capen has been cold-calling hospitals and elected officials to no avail. She says time is of the essence.

“I mean I want the answer yesterday. I want them to say yes he’s a perfect candidate, and we have lungs for him. I try not to be discouraged. I try to have a happy, positive face when I go see Andrew.”

It has been a long and grueling recovery for Capen, but he says even still, it is his family on his mind.

“I think about how me possibly dying would affect my mom, like my family. You know, how that would tear their hearts out. You don’t wanna do that to your family.”

Capen warns young people to take the virus seriously. He encourages people to show respect for others by doing their part.

“I was worried about getting it and giving it to my mom, or my grandma or my dad. Because they have health issues. I was worried about them getting a bad reaction and then I got it.”

As the clock continues to tick, Capen says he is doing the only thing he can which is to stay positive. 

“There’s stuff I want to do. Like I’m not done.”

If you would like to help the Capen family, you can donate directly to his GoFundMe page here.