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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — “If I were given the chance to do this again, I would still publish the same article.”

That’s what Sarah Ma said when WGNO’s Amy Russo asked if she could go back in time — Would she still write an article that publicly defended Kanye (Ye) West?

“My article addresses a series of actions that Ye has been ‘canceled’ for,” said Ma.

Titled “Ye Did Nothing Wrong,” the Tulane University junior’s article addresses Ye wearing a shirt saying “white lives matter,” tweeting “I’m going death con 3 on Jewish people,” and saying he loves Hitler. The article was not affiliated with the university.

“My goal of the article was basically to explain his reasoning and his arguments for why he committed those actions and offer some context,” said Ma.

Her article has made its rounds across social media, with many saying it is filled with hate and calling for her expulsion. Due to threats, Ma has left the state, saying she feels unsafe. Others, though, encourage the student to stand her ground.

“I don’t think my article has any hate speech or has any bias or discrimination toward any racial or ethnic group,” Ma explained.

The whole time, she has been in contact with Tulane’s Dean of Students.

“She has advised me to stay off campus,” said Ma.

Tulane University was unable to do an interview with WGNO, but did provide us with a message that was sent out to parents and students of the university.

It says Ma’s article has caused distress, outrage, and pain. It adds while the importance of free expression on a university campus cannot be overstated, words that run counter to Tulane’s core values impacts their community.

“I’ve read the code of conduct at Tulane,” Ma explained. “I’ve read their free speech policy. I don’t think it violates that at all.”

She has this message for the public.

“To the people that I have offended and to the people that must hate me now, I just would like the chance to explain myself.”

As of Monday, January 16th, Ma has not been expelled or suspended from the university.

Click HERE to read her article.

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