“Stormy” the Stormtrooper gets lost tracking down pals at Comic Con

The Imperial Shuttle must have dropped Stormtrooper TK147 off at the wrong stop.

“Stormy,” as he’s known around the Empire, is trying to hook up with his buddies with the 501st Legion’s Bast Alpha Garrison for Wizard World’s New Orleans Comic Con 2015.

However being from a galaxy far, far away and looking out of place, the humans are giving poor Stormy a hard time.

First of all, TK147 can’t find the Droids he’s looking for.

Plus earthlings keep pointing out how short Stormy is for a Stormtrooper.

No duh!

As if he hasn’t heard that one already, “Come on people, find a new joke.”

Stormy began his career a lowly clone working swing shift at the Artus mines but climbed up the ranks quickly.

He was transferred to work security on Death Star’s Cell Block 1138 before the tragic explosion.

Stormy risked his life somehow rescuing the plans for “Death Star 2” by a narrow break-away via flaming escape pod.

Stormy was quickly promoted by Grand Moff Tarkin, Jr. to full-fledged Imperial Stormtrooper and served valiantly with the Empire for thirty years.

When Storm (as he’s known at the cantina) heard Bast Alpha Garrison is helping Disabled American Vets at Comic Con 2015 in New Orleans, he just had to be there.

But again, Stormy lives in a galaxy far, far away.

Regardless, he dusted off his Tie-Fighter and flew to Yavin.

From there he hitch-hiked to Hoth then caught a connecting shuttle to Tatooine for the jump to hyperspace all the way to Earth.

Stormy made it to New Orleans in less than eleven parsecs on time for Comic Con!

All Because Storm believes in veterans.

After all, he’s a veteran too, like his father before him (Clone War vet).

Since Stormy made the Milky Way Run in record time, he urges everyone attending Comic Con 2015 at the New Orleans convention center to seek out Bast Alpha Garrison and learn how to help Disable American Veterans.

Because Freedom is not free.

“If anyone paid for it, U.S veterans did!”
