Sad Dads at One Direction concert


The biggest boy band on the planet is in New Orleans and they are performing at the Mercedes Benz Superdome!

News with a Twist’s Kenny Lopez is a the Superdome, where he caught up with screaming fans and their dads who are not exactly thrilled to be at a One Direction concert.

One “sad dad”, Louie Smothermon said, ”  I’m a sad dad because I think I’m going to be one of the few dads there.  I’m not a good dancer, I only like a few of their songs, and I’m not too enthusiastic about it, but I’ll be there in full support.  I’m going to try and watch her enjoy it.  I like her a lot, so I’m doing it for her.”

Other dads are relieved that they didn’t get forced to go.

“We didn’t buy the ticket, so that was the safest way and then we let our daughter go with one of her friends who bought the ticket,”  Michael Donofrio said.

The concert starts at 7 p.m. tonight and they are expecting 50-thousand fans.