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ST. LOUIS (KTVI) – What’s your favorite pizza? What’s the best pizza? That question can spark quite the debate no matter where you are, but definitely in St. Louis, where its pizza recently helped Missouri earn a spot on Food & Wine’s list of the 10 best “pizza states.”

The question came up again in a segment for the NFL Network’s “Good Morning Football” program on Friday morning — but it yielded a very different response about St. Louis.

Co-host Kay Adams was asked about a variety of NFL topics, and then the subject turned to food. When asked about the best pizza, she demurred but did offer her take on the worst.

“I will say the worst pizza is found in St. Louis, Missouri… you know what I’m talking about, I won’t say the name of the place, but if you know, you know,” said Adams, a Chicago native.

Later in the segment, she said “There’s no such thing as bad pizza. Give me Tonys out of the freezer aisle, give me the slice from 7-11, from the bodega, I’ll eat it all.”