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METAIRIE, La – Taking a physics test, Archbishop Rummel High School senior Gabe Wright is, well reserved.

Just like the parking spot out front with his name on it.


WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood  figures out Gabe Wright is reserved and he’s amazing.

Now, he’s one of Wild Bill’s Amazing Kids brought to you by your friends at The Keating Law Firm.

As for the car parked in Gabe Wright’s  reserved parking spot, Wild Bill wonders, “what kind of a clunker of a second hand jalopy do you drive?”

Gabe Wright says, “I don’t drive it, it drives me.”

Gabe Wright is the 17-year-old driver and owner of a Tesla, one of those self-driving, $60,000 cars.

To sit behind the wheel of such a splashy car, he made the money himself.

He made the money by mowing grass.

At least 35 lawns a week.

Saving every penny.

A teenager turned a part-time job into a full-time lifestyle.

And from yard work to hard work, back at school, Gabe Wright is always the right guy.

Volunteering for every project.

Earning him a reputation.

And getting Gabe Wright an unofficial, official kind of new name.

It’s more of a title.

Around Rummel and now around town, he’s called, “the Mayor”.

Gabe says, “I’m honored and humbled and almost late for my next appointment and I’m never late for an appointment.”

Soon he rides off to college to become a lawyer.

For now, he’s “the Mayor”.

Always in the driver’s seat of his life.