Local filmmaker wants to change the way you might see bikers

Documentary maker Steven Scaffidi (left) and biker Billy Rivers of A Hardened Biker Switches Gears Ministry

CHALMETTE, LA — The crowd flowed into theater 4 at Chalmette Movies to find out about bikers.  You know, the guys who ride hogs and wear leather and — often in the movie world — are preceded by a tough reputation.

“I’m going to show you a side of bikers you may not have seen before,” Steven Scaffidi told WGNO.

Scaffidi has his own production company, Ghost Rider Pictures.  His latest project is all about bikers who made a trek to gather in the Black Hills of South Dakota.  On this night, he was hosting a pre-release screening of the documentary, Sing Pledge Pray.

The bikers in the film come from all kinds of backgrounds.  A few of them have criminal backgrounds.

“I rode with the most violent and notorious motorcycle gang in the world for 16 years of my life,” Billy Rivers said.  Rivers was one of the biker, yes wearing leather, who was at the theater for the screening.  He’s also one of the stars of the film.

Rivers spent 11 years in prison in Mississippi.  He says he was a thief and a heroin addict.  One of his jobs behind bars was going two doors down from his cell and cleaning the section of the prison known as Death Row.

After his release, Rivers began to live a Christian life, even working with Pat Robertson of the 700 Club television program to create A Hardened Biker Switches Gears Ministry.

The documentary shows how the bikers converge in South Dakota and can celebrate their common, Christian bond despite coming from a variety of backgrounds.

The film was also inspired by a song from musician Eli Seals.  It shares the same title, Sing Pledge Pray.

Scaffidi is in the process of showing the documentary at pre-release events.  He says he’s still collecting feedback and hopes to tweak and release a final version of the film by East.
