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LAPLACE, La. (WGNO) — Some Louisiana locals are celebrating thanks to a special performance from their beloved Grandma.

What started out as an innocent prank that filled the room with laughter on Christmas earned one LaPlace family a $100,000 Prize from America’s Funniest Home Videos. This will bring their winning total to $120,000 this season.

The winning video titled “Gifting Granny’s Goods” includes a look at the grandma of the family when she realizes the items being gifted from loved one to loved one are her own personal items.

“My sister and I had seen a video on Tiktok about taking stuff from someone’s house and regifting the gifts to see their reaction and we knew Granny was perfect for the prank,” Williams tells WGNO.

We’re told Carol Keating, known lovingly as Granny, is notorious for giving gag gifts during the family’s White Elephant gift exchange. Williams says as her family went to drop off some cookies at Granny’s house and show her a big Santa bag full of gifts, they took turns replacing items in the bag with items found around her home.

Check out the winning video “Gifting Granny’s Goods”:

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