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Chris Pratt is denying he attends a church that is anti-LGBTQ.

In a post on an Instagram Story, Pratt wrote, “It has recently been suggested that I belong to a church which ‘hates a certain group of people’ and is ‘infamously anti –LGBTQ.’

“Nothing could be further from the truth,” he wrote. “I go to a church that opens their doors to absolutely everyone.”

The posting came after actress Ellen Page raised questions last week with a tweet about The Hollywood Reporter story on Pratt’s appearance on “The Late Show.”

On the talk show, Pratt told host Stephen Colbert that he was inspired to complete a 21-day fast by his pastor.

“Oh. K. Um,” Page said on Twitter. “But his church is infamously anti lgbtq so maybe address that too?”

The “Juno” star who married her wife, dancer-choreographer Emma Portner, last year, later tweeted, “If you are a famous actor and you belong to an organization that hates a certain group of people, don’t be surprised if someone simply wonders why it’s not addressed.

“Being anti LGBTQ is wrong, there aren’t two sides,” she tweeted. “The damage it causes is severe.”

According to Vox, Pratt attends Zoe Church in Los Angeles.

Without naming his church, Pratt said in his posting that “Despite what the Bible says about divorce my church community was there for me every step of the way, never judging, just gracefully accompanying me on my walk.

“They helped me tremendously offering love and support. It is what I have seen them do for others on countless occasions regardless of sexual orientation, race or gender,” said Pratt, who is divorced from actress Anna Faris and now engaged to author Katherine Schwarzenegger.

The “Guardians of the Galaxy” star said his faith is important to him “but no church defines me or my life and I am not spokesman for any church or any group of people.”

Rather, it is his values, Pratt wrote, that define him.

“Jesus said, ‘I give you a new command, love one another,'” he said. “This is what guides me in my life. He is a God of Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness. Hate has no place in my or this world.”