All about Pisco!

Hank Allen learns about Pisco during Tales of the Cocktail with Dänny Ronen, Founder of DC Spirits

Some facts about Pisco:
* Peru’s national spirit
* It is made from only 8 grape varietals.
* There are three variants of Pisco: puro (single grape expression), acholado (blend of two or more grapes), and Mosto Verde (a style in which the juice of the pressed grapes is partially fermented).
* The Denomination of Origin it carries dictates that this grape-based brandy/grape-based distillate (like an unaged cognac) is distilled to proof with NOTHING added — no water, no color, no wood aging.
* Pisco doesn’t age, it rests, in non-reactive vessels.
* About 8 lbs of grapes go into making a Puro or Acholado — it takes 18 lbs of grapes to make a Mosto Verde style Pisco.


* Make craft cocktail bar drinks in your own home with the Shaker & Spoon cocktail kit (www.shakerandspoon.com) — use our special code WGNO by July 31st and get $10 off the one box or even a whole subscription — all you need is Shaker & Spoon’s upcoming August “Pisco Fever” box, plus one 750mL bottle of Pisco, and you can create a 12-cocktail party (consisting of three different drinks from three different bartenders, including one from right here in NOLA)!

* Try a Chilcano — delivers the Deep South/South American connection. The Chilcano is one of Peru’s four pillar cocktails and the South American cousin of a whiskey ginger (aka horse’s neck) — it’s a classic Highball, easy to make, just Pisco + ginger beer or ginger ale, splash of lime and a dash of bitters (Angostura or Amargo Chuncho if you can get them).


For retail…
* Keife & Co has a few Pisco selections on their shelves — www.keifeandco.com — 801 Howard Street (at the corner of Carondelet)

For cocktail bars…
* Jewel of the South – Pisco Con Arbusto which is a nod to the traditional New Orleans Roffignac
* Catahoula hotel has a whole bar dedicated to Pisco and Pisco cocktails
* Bar Marilou, Doris Metropolit, Longway Tavern, Meauxbar, Seaworthy, Shaya, Sylvain, Tonique and a few others also proudly serve Pisco cocktails.